Description & Requirements Who we are looking for Are you looking for a part time job with daily use of foreign languages? Do you speak English and Czech fluently? Knowledge of Ukrainian would be a great advantage! We are a team of 20 members, focusing on visas and work permits for our global and domestic clients and now we are looking just for you! Your future role Your job:assistance with preparation of application forms, direct communication and interaction with Authorities and clients, administrative support, ad hoc tasks.
Your skills: good organization and communication skills,detail oriented and punctual person,communication and written skills in the Czech and English languages (knowledge of Ukrainian would be a great advantage), PC skills (MS Office, Internet),proactive, open minded and assertive person,available to start from February 2025.
What we offer We offer: part time job, 20 hours per week, the job is flexible in terms of time and suitable for students, you will really learn a lot and have fun, modern workplace that offers a terrace with a view of Prague, a gym and a meditation room, corporate and team events, career opportunities.
If you are interested in this role, let us know about you!
Immigration Assistant / Part-time, Prague
Immigration Assistant / Part-time, Prague
Czech Republic, Prague, Prague,
Publikováno January 8, 2025
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